>>>>> "Luca" == Luca Filipozzi <lfili...@debian.org> writes:

    Luca> This is why having a central approach to account creation,
    Luca> rather than distributed, is worth considering. I'm in favour
    Luca> of usernames not changing because one's role changes but that
    Luca> does not mean I'm favour of divergent namespaces.

I don't think anyone here is in favor of divergent namespaces.  I think
a lot of us think it would be reasonable if salsa became the place at
which names were reserved, probably at first as a matter of practice,
and eventually as other parts of the project sign on over time, with
appropriate auditing and checking.  The other activities that involve
namespace reservations all seem to have a manual component, removing
security concerns that might exist if there was an automated data feed
from salsa that was automatically imported into other parts of the

Other solutions would also be reasonable over time.

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