On 02/09/20 at 13:49 +0200, Jonathan Carter wrote:
> Hey Lucas
> On 2020/09/01 16:05, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > On 01/09/20 at 15:29 +0200, Jonathan Carter wrote:
> >> On 2020/09/01 09:14, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> >>> 2. Keeping our important services sanely maintained. Your proposal is to
> >>> sanitize *.debian.net a bit. I wonder if instead, we should have a list
> >>> of requirements for *.debian.org that does not include "hosted on a
> >>> machine managed by DSA". People would then continue to use debian.net as
> >>> they do currently, but once the service grows to something really
> >>> useful, it gets a review to ensure that it is maintainable, and can move
> >>> to the debian.org without necessarily putting more load on DSA.
> >> That's really a discussion you'll want to have with DSA, and it doesn't
> >> seem that the project is in a position currently to add any more load to
> >> the DSA team at this point.
> >
> > How does it add more load on the DSA team?
> If you intend to make decisions or set up additional policy regarding
> how debian.org subdomains are used, then you're going to have to involve
> the DSA with that.

My understanding is that the current situation is that we have two
categories of services:

1/ official services, under the debian.org domain, hosted on machines
managed by DSA, where some recommended practices[1] are enforced.

2/ unofficial services, under the debian.net domain, where all DDs can
add their own services, with no control/review. It has happened in the
past that such services were lost because the maintainer went MIA, or
the machine was lost, or....

I think that we agree that the problem you are trying to solve here is
that some of the unofficial services are important services for Debian,
and probably desserve more attention from the project. Also, we should
avoid increasing the workload of DSA.

What you are proposing is building a team that manages unofficial
services on the debian.net domain. It might help services maintainers a
bit, but I'm not sure it really helps the project enforce good practices
for its services.

My proposal was to keep debian.net for unofficial services, and instead
make it easier to promote unofficial services to official services on
the debian.org domain, by lifting the requirement that they need to be
hosted on machines managed by DSA (and instead rely on cloud providers,
for example), and designing a simple review process for candidate
official services. This process would check things like: is the service
sufficiently relevant/useful? is there a small team behind the service,
or is it a one person's job? Is the code available and free? Are there
critical design issues?

DSA could of course participate in the review (and it would be great if
they did), but it doesn't have to be their sole responsibility. And I
don't think that managing DNS entries for those services would really be
a huge workload. So I don't see a big increase on DSA's load here...



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