Note: it is best to ask these questions to an user mailing list. Here you can get very few answers

On 25/09/21 17:28, Henry Chang wrote:

Because I could no longer install Debian 8 "Jessie" on new machine and
update the old machines, I migrate to Debian 10 "Buster" with KDE Plasma.

if you want to migrate from Debian 8 to Debian 10 you must do two migration: first from Debian 8 to Debian 9 and then from Debian 9 to Debian 10

But I found lots of problems and would appreciate your help solve them:

1. "Buster" system freezes when I am running programs in various virtual
desktop, especially YouTube. Is it a bug?

it is very hard to say something.
You must, at least, look at your logs and report if there are some wanings/errors when you do it. Also you can look at bugs on the program you are using for having virtual desktop (note that bugs can be closed after Buster release and so you don't have a patch for them in Buster).

If you have migrated from Debian 8 directory to Debian 10 you can have problems.

2. "Buster" no longer supports ecryptfs.

searching the package it seem that it was remove from the actual oldstable (Buster)

you can try to understand why from here:

and, if I don't mistake the answers is here:
Bug #765854: ecryptfs-utils: Private directory not automatically unmounted anymore on logout

Is there any other way to encrypt a directory?

probably fscrypt?

3. Some of regex commends that worked on old Debian Jessie do not work on
"Buster". What's wrong?

but what you use for making regexp?
What regexp do not work anymore?

4. Is there any way to install the old "Jessie"?

note that you don't have anymore security update so it is better to install a more recent Debian version

the Jessie installer can be found here:

As I wrote it is best you write to a Debian user mailing-list to ask these questions, for example debian-user in English:
or you can select one in another language:


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