On 2022-03-24 at 22:27:42 +0100, phil995511 - wrote:
> Don't you think it would be smart to integrate all the updates contained in
> the Backports directory with each new minor update of our favorite OS ? For
> example for the versions 11.3, 11.4, etc ?
> [...]
> It would seem to me to strengthen the overall security of Debian, with less
> effort/labor.

With my user hat on, this would completely break Debian for my usecase.

I trust Debian stable to provide me with a stable api that I can trust
not to change during the distro lifetime, while getting way more security
fixes than I would have by using a language-native package manager and
fixed dependency versions.

Adding the changes from backport to each point release would force me to
stop updating the whole distribution, leading to a much *worse* security

> This would make Debian easily compatible with all the new devices
> available, without having to use the line of code too much... it would
> therefore make Debian more accessible to all non-experienced Linux users.
> [...]

For device support usually it is enough to install just the kernel from
backports, but that is also only needed on very recent hardware, so a
small fraction of all debian uses. And then non-experienced users would
still get unusable hardware because it requires non-free components, so
it wouldn't really change their experience.

If the relevant team wasn't already overworked, I could see how adding
the kernel from backports to the unofficial non-free image could maybe
be useful, while having a much lower impact on the overall distribution,
but that's not something I'm interested in, so I'm not volunteering to
do any work on that :)

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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