Hi Sam,

I respect absolutely what you say. I'm not sure that fortunes-offensive has any 
particular literary
merit, I'm not sure myself that, now that the separate binary for fortunes-off 
has been removed,
that the dat file merits inclusion. It was a leaf package on a small games 
package that is optional
and not with a high popcon value.

If we're going to get Bookworm out, now is a good time to be thinking of things 
that could usefully
be removed to lower a maintenance burden

I didn't raise this as censorship. You may have noticed that I explicitly 
*didn't* raise this as 
a member of Community Team but as myself, though I did mention that a query had 
come to CT about the
Mein Kampf quotes and I wondered if the simpler solution was just to remove 
them / the package.
[Thanks to Dominik George for grepping them out for me in his reply]

I suspect there is also a slight difference of understanding of the merits of 
free speech on either
side of the Atlantic: it's a cultural thing and I suspect I tend to the 
European side here :)

I'm not going to die in a ditch over this but I raised it as a genuine query to 
the project in good faith
and without any agenda.

All best, as ever,

Andy Cater

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