Martin Schulze wrote:
> I'd like to entirely cancel my last mail wrt grail.  I saw it and
> removed it entirely.  The licence is just fucked up.
>     [..]
>     this Agreement does not authorize Licensee to distribute copies of
>     the Software to the public, perform and/or display the Software
>     publicly, or otherwise make the Software accessible to the public.
>     [..]

An interested user told me that CNRI/NIST decided to leave the code
alone, after having used it as a testbed for network research and
might lighten the license.

Although, this may look like some hickup, I contacted one of the CNRI
poeple.  Depending on the answer I'll give it a try or inhume it.



PS: I wonder if I'm the only one who writes to this list.

The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
        -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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