Here's my two cents.  It might be a bit rambling, given how late it is


>   "Barry A. Warsaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   > Yes, definitely as both a Zope and Mailman developer <wink> I need
>   > multiple Python versions.  But I suspect even normal users of the
>   > system will need multiple versions.  Different Python-based apps are
>   > requiring their users to upgrade Python on their own schedule, so
>   > multiple versions will still be required.

For the big applications like Zope and Mailman, how much is required
in the way of non-core packages?  It would be considerably easier if
the only versioned Python packages were those compiled from the
distribution tarball, and extra packages like python-gnome were only
required to be packaged for the latest Python version in time for each
Debian release.


>   Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   > None are compatible. This might change, but I don't think so -- I
>   > think the CVS tree already has a different bytecode magic than 2.1,
>   > though I haven't checked. Perhaps what Gregor wants is a set of
>   > symlinks in each python version's site-packages directory, to a
>   > system-wide one, and a 'register-python-version' script like the
>   > emacs/xemacs stuff has that adds those symlinks. That way, the
>   > .pyc/.pyo versions would remain in the version-specific directory.

This seems like a reasonable idea, for code that works with all
available Python versions.  There's no need to change the Python
interpreter to look in different places, or even to change  The registration/update script could be in a
"python-common" package that each of the different Python version
packages depend on.


Gregor Hoffleit:

> We should look at the perl packages (they support concurrent versions)
> and a Emacsen (they have a system for registration of .el files that can
> be byte-compiled at installation time, and they support this for
> concurent and different Emacsen flavors).

*Does* Perl support concurrent versions?  All I seem to have available
from the mirrors is 5.6.1.

Thinking about the transition, it seems to me that relying on all the
Python packages to change their dependencies on python-base is going
to be hard to get right.  It would still be possible to use apt-get to
install a new version of python-base, and existing packages that only
depend on ">= 1.5.2" won't be automatically upgraded.

Perhaps python-base should be removed in favour of Python package
names that include the first and second version number components,
something like the perl-api-x.y packages.  ("python-base-2.1" or just

The "python" package could be something like the "gcc" package -
mostly just an indication of the default version from the user's point
of view, and something to make sure the latest version is available
after a dist-upgrade.  Though that leaves the problem of the packages
currently depending on "python"...

If it's any consolation while you're trying to work out a plan, just
be glad Python isn't "Essential: yes" like parts of Perl.

         Carey Evans

            "Quiet, you'll miss the humorous conclusion."

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