Gregor Hoffleit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've put a version 0.3.6 of the Python Policy Draft on
> The version is still a little
> bit rough and sometimes incomplete, but it already gives a good outline
> of the Python packaging system we are installing just now.
> Please have a look at the document, and post all fundamental problems
> you have with the content.

  I've asked some questions to Matthias in private yesterday because I
  didn't have enough time to follow all recent threads and question.
  So, some of the questions may have already been asked.

2.1.1 Support Only The Default Version

  + does this "Depends: python (>= X.Y), python (<< X.Y+1)" really
    work since versioned provides do not exist yet? Isn't it
    python-base rather than python ?

  + a new change to the major version of python, will make all
    packages depending on the default version being uninstalled, right?
    If so, I don't think it is the Right Thing.
  + I think that "Depends: python<X>.<Y>" would work better and avoid
    breaking things.

  + Do we really need to use python-base and al. packages except for
    the transtion?

    Or maybe for python version independent modules?

  + Mainly I don't see the reason for this "support for default version"



   + Is pythonX.Y-module the same thing as python-api defined by Neil?

   + I don't see the need for a "default package python-<foo>" there
     What for is it meant to be used?

Now, the concrete case of python-xml. If I also want to ship a version for 1.5.
If I undestood correctly the document, I'll have this :


Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.3-7), python2.1-base, python2.1-xmlbase

Depends: python (>= 2.1), python (<< 2.2), python2.1-module

[I guess that some dependancies are missing there, but i'm following the
 Maybe adding python2.1-xml?


Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.3-7), python1.5-base


Have all these packages to be built with the same source?

> If nobody find fundamental show-stoppers that render this unusable,
> we're going to submit it to Debian Policy very soon.

  I think that we should include a section about maintainers scripts
  for python modules.


              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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