fre 2002-08-23 klockan 18.28 skrev Jim Penny:
> What packages do you have in mind?  Some of the c-extension maintainers,
> myself included, have an informal policy of "support everything in the
> distribution", but do not have any obejection to supporting less!

The package I'm maintaining and developing myself, pyOpenSSL.

> Or, are you saying that you have non-debian applications that depend on
> 1.5?

In a way, yes, since RedHat are using pyOpenSSL, and I at least think it
was with Python 1.5.

In any case, putting on my upstream-developer-hat, I want to support
Python 1.5, and it would be nice to still have Python 1.5 in Debian, so
I can continue using that as my devel OS.


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