On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 01:44:36PM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am writing a python program to interface with a bibliographical
> database server (refdb) that produces xml output.  I have some xslt
> stylesheets for producing xml, & want to use them in the program, but
> I'm a little bewildered by the array of xml-related packages in
> debian, & my bible (Python Cookbook) suggests using
> pyana -- which debian doesn't have.  Is there a standard method or
> module I should use to ensure that my code is durable/portable?  All
> pointers appreciated!
2 approaches:
 * use an external xslt processor in another process (using popen,
system, or any other mean). There are plenty xslt processor useable from
the command line in debian, including xsltproc, xalan, sablotron, saxon, 

 * use an xslt via a python library. For this you have python-4suite and
libxslt (for which python bindings are available). 

The first approach is more versatile, since you can easily change the
command line using a configuration file, in case you encounter a bug in
a given xslt processor, or if you have performance (speedwise or
memorywise) issues.

Alexandre Fayolle                              LOGILAB, Paris (France).
http://www.logilab.com   http://www.logilab.fr  http://www.logilab.org

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