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> I am writing a python program...

So you are writing a *Python* program. ;-)

> I have some xslt stylesheets for producing xml, & want to use them in the
> program,

Probably you don't. ;->

> but I'm a little bewildered by the array of xml-related packages in
> debian, & my bible (Python Cookbook) suggests using pyana -- which debian
> doesn't have. 

So we're talking about Recipe 12.4 here, right? Let's see how the good David
Ascher concludes it (emphasis mine):

"XSLT is definitely trendy, because it seems *at first* well-suited to
processing XML documents. [...] If, however, you're quite comfortable with
Python [...], you may find that it's easier to *forget* about these
newfangled technologies and use *good old Python code* to do the job. See
Recipe 12.5 for a very different approach."

"Recipe 12.5: Transforming an XML Document *Using Python*"

I cannot say it better than David: if at all possible, go ahead and
translate those "stylesheets" to Python, you'll thank yourself later.
There's lots of options on this side of the hill too: PyXML, 4Suite, and a
look at this column:

Python & XML

P.S.: I suspect that "newfangled" is actually an understatement for
"disgusting". ;-)

- -- 
Nicola Larosa - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Any security software design that doesn't assume the enemy
possesses the source code is already untrustworthy; therefore,
never trust closed source." -- Eric Raymond, May 2004

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