Am 24.11.2005 um 14:26 schrieb Josselin Mouette:
Le mardi 22 novembre 2005 à 11:46 -0600, Ian Bicking a écrit :
Eggs give room for package metadata that doesn't exist otherwise.
Putting dependencies aside, this is functionality that simply doesn't
exist with the standard distutils installation.

You are advertising this metadata a lot, but what does it exactly
contain? If it's for dependencies, we can really live better without
them, or with a tool to convert them into .deb dependencies.

You know, it is really unfair to make a statement like "The problem is the added complexity for no real gain" if you're gonna ask the above question in a follow-up message. You clearly don't understand the purpose of Python eggs, yet you feel qualified to judge whether or not it provides any benefit. Sigh.

(And no, I'm not going to repeat the numerous attempts by Phillip to politely and comprehensively explain it all.)

In the end, what matters is that Python eggs are being quickly adopted by Python application developers, because they allow us to easily build extensible systems. When Debian users want to install and use those systems, you're gonna gave to tell them why eggs aren't supported.

The requirements of packaging systems aren't being ignored here. We're (well, Phillip is) listening, and trying to provide constructive input. It'd be nice if the Debian folks would be similarly forthcoming.

Christopher Lenz
  cmlenz at

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