At 03:49 PM 11/24/2005 +0100, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

Christopher Lenz:
> (And no, I'm not going to repeat the numerous attempts by Phillip to
> politely and comprehensively explain it all.)
Sorry -- I don't buy that. I've read all these messages too, and I also
don't know what's in the metadata besides dependency information.

Whatever the project developer wants to put there, or wants people creating projects that use his project to put there. It's essentially an inter-project communication and configuration system:

These features are already being used by Trac, TurboGears, SQLObject, Paste, and others. Other projects are contemplating moving to the use of egg entry points to improve their extensibility, or increasing the use that they currently make of these features.

Debian, rpm, and other Linux packaging systems don't need to install
Python-specific dependency information in their packages.

It's probably nice to have so that non-system Python packages can complain
properly, instead of throwing an incomprehensible exception later (and
leaving one with a partially-installed system or whatever), but that's a
different problem.

That's an interesting perspective, but it's viewing the world through vendor-colored glasses. Unless the project developer is wearing similar glasses (i.e., has decided to commit to Debian as their sole platform), though, it's not a practical one. From the point of view of people like the author of TurboGears, it's the egg dependency system that allows them not to have to worry about which packaging system the user has, or doesn't have.

I mention this not to be disagreeable, just to point out that the world in which egg dependencies are of no benefit, needless complexity, etc., is not the same world in which the project developers using eggs live.

Case in point: this thread began because somebody wanted to package TurboGears and its dependencies for Debian. But that project wouldn't have been viable without the egg system already existing, and there was certainly no way for TurboGears to have started its life as anything but a "non-system Python package". One reason TurboGears is popular is because it's well-supported, and it's well-supported in part because it can "complain properly" (as you describe it above) no matter what platform it's running on.

Another reason TurboGears is popular because of its high degree of reuse of existing code. Indeed, TurboGears has an unprecedented degree of reuse of code for a Python project. How many Debian Python packages have even *half* as many Python dependencies as TurboGears does?

Meanwhile, TurboGears is viral with respect to eggs. When you create new web applications with it, those projects are also eggs, with dependencies on TurboGears. And of course people are creating TurboGears add-ons, like the identity package, and those have dependencies to TurboGears and other eggs. Even if it were *only* TurboGears that was doing these things (and it's not), you're going to have an "egg-splosion" on your hands here pretty soon. ("Pretty soon" == ~1 year, assuming the current growth rate of eggs is linear rather than exponential.)

Again, I don't think you're "wrong" to think that egg dependencies are redundant - from within your particular point of view. But you need to understand that for *Python* developers, being able to practically depend on other packages in a cross-platform way is a new and powerful feature which is *not* provided by Debian or any other packaging system, unless it's wrapping eggs. So, from your perspective, you already have this feature, but for projects using eggs, you really *don't* have the feature, because the data is not economically accessible to them.

And that's only *one* feature of eggs, not even getting into each new egg-specific feature that each project can create, building on the entry point and metadata features. Of course, those features have a different growth curve for adoption than the dependency features do, since plugin features are more of a hub-and-spokes model with limited network effects. And an individual plugin project is less likely to need to end up as a Debian package anyway, so the plugin impact will be more slow-moving unless somebody puts out a "killer app" that everybody wants plugins for.

Anyway, I appreciate your frank and open-minded participation in this discussion, and I hope that together we can get the remaining issues resolved.

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