On Tuesday, October 06, 2015 09:24:42 AM Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 10/06/2015 02:12 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > As I said up thread, I think a break from the team will be helpful for you
> > to re-engage productively.
> I wrote it to you privately. You can't just tell that it's going to be a
> temporary ban, without giving a timeline. You avoided to answer my
> question. I have no proposal of a way to return either. Just saying that
> I can return later to keep your face and appear as a good person in this
> thread will *not* cut it.
> And no, I do not wish to send patches to Piotr. If I had to do this way
> (ie: ask someone to commit for me), I would choose anyone but him.

My apologies for losing track of what what in what thread.  It's a lot of 
messages, but I should have kept it straight.

I think that any return to the team should be based on demonstrated work 
that's consistent with the team's way of working.  Someone will have to review 
it.  You have an offer from one of the team admins to do so.

Please take a step back from being so emotionally involved in what's going on.  
Piotr didn't take the action he took in order to personally attack you.  He 
took it as a necessary step to protect the team's working.  I know you don't 
agree with it (and I don't expect you to), but he's also said he'll help you 
with getting things back to you being in the team.

Don't reject that offer because you're angry.

Scott K

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