Brian May <> writes:

> However I don't know much about this Python 3.5 transition, or what
> the current waiting point is.

API/ABI transitions (such as switching default Python 3 to be PYthon
3.5) are managed by the release team, with a workflow described at

A transition is initiated by a bug report against ‘’,
tagged with the user-tag “transition”. You can check current transitions

The transition of default ‘python3’ to Python 3.5 does not appear in
that set, so I'm not sure how it's being tracked.

The prior transition – to add support for Python 3.5 – is at
<URL:> and refers to future transitions.
I think maybe the “default python3 is Python 3.5” transition has somehow
become entangled with that prior one.

> Is there anything that can be done to help?

Have a read through the log for bug#798999 and see whether they're
waiting on something we can help with.

 \     “Are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, ... Brain, |
  `\    but how can we get seven dwarves to shave their legs?” —_Pinky |
_o__)                                                   and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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