Ben Finney <> writes:

> API/ABI transitions (such as switching default Python 3 to be PYthon
> 3.5) are managed by the release team, with a workflow described at
> <URL:>.

There is

Still trying to work out what the "Dependency level n" headers mean.

What are the implications of the "Collisions" section? Looks like
packages in multiple transitions.

Are the orange packages a problem or not? So if the build is failing on
a platform it will get an orange status as well as if it doesn't meet
the good or bad criteria.

If I understand this correctly, all packages as part of the transition
get uploaded to experimental, and then get moved at once to unstable?

Unfortunately the page doesn't
indicate if somebody is already working on the package or not.

I would have thought binNMU would be sufficient for some of these
packages, however maybe these easy targets have already been fixed now?

> Have a read through the log for bug#798999 and see whether they're
> waiting on something we can help with.

Not that I can see. So maybe that means any of the red packages on the
transition tracking page.

Some of the packages look like they are broken with no immediate fix,
maybe should get removed from unstable *if* inclusion in unstable is
holding up the transition. e.g. openturns.
Brian May <>

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