On Jan 21, 2016, at 10:47 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>I've taken a run through the current Python Policy to see where I think it
>needs to be updated for Stretch.

Thanks Scott for the badly needed update.

Some comments, apologies for the lack of good quoting, or if I've read the
diff incorrectly.

2.5 Module Path

"Public Python modules must be installed in the system Python modules
directory, /usr/lib/python<X>.<Y>/dist-packages.  Public Python 3 modules must
be installed in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages."

I think this could use a bit of disambiguation, sice "system Python modules"
could mean either Python generically, in which case the second sentence is in
conflict.  Do you mean "system Python 2 modules"?  If so, let's say that.
Also, since Python 2.7 is all there will be from now on, why not say that

A good reason not to would be because Policy needs to cover older releases
where there can be multiple versions of Python 2.  But then later in your diff
you seem to mention python2.7 as being associated with
/usr/local/lib/python2.<Y>/dist-packages.  So maybe say
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages here too?  There really won't be any
other value for <Y> than 7.

3.4 Specifying Supported Versions

"The optional `X-Python-Version (preferred) or `XS-Python-Version` field..."

It's a little confusing because we're now saying we prefer not to have either
field.  How about "(previously preferred)" or just drop the parenthetical?

3.6 Provides


B.2. dh_python2 and dh_python3

Again, I think here you want to say "Python2 and Python3" to disambiguate
between generic Python.

Other than that, +1


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