Ben Finney <> writes:

> I'm planning to provide changes in two bundles:
> * Go through the whole document and tidy it up for consistency, source
>   style, markup, and language style. This should not change the meaning
>   of anything, but will change the wording of numerous passages.
>   My proposal for that is attached here as a Bazaar change bundle.
> * Address all the language around Python 2 versus Python 3 versus Python
>   general, and re-order or re-word to focus *primarily* on Python 3,
>   with Python 2 treated as the still-supported legacy system.
>   Once these non-semantic changes are accepted I will begin work on the
>   second stage of semantic changes.

That last sentence isn't very clear. What I intended to imply is:

The first stage is done and all its changes are in the branch, the
second stage I haven't yet started.

The set of revision in the “r411–r424” patch bundle is all intended to
be non-semantic changes, and once they're accepted I'll begin on the
second, semantic-changing, stage of work.

 \        “I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any |
  `\       view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and |
_o__)                                   opposite view.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney

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