
> Hello everybody, I'm packaging a daemon that I've developed in python3 and I
> need to split the core modules in two deb packages, but I don't now how to do
> that.
> One of the module is specific for Raspberry Pi, it adds some
> functionalities, but
> the daemon itself doesn't require a Pi hardware and can still do its job
> without that module even on a Pi. What I want to do is to split the modules
> in two deb packages, one with all the modules except rpi.py and one with only
> rpi.py (setting the appropriate dependencies, i.e. python3-gpiozero, etc).
> How can I do that?

Well, in that case, with you being upstream, I'd separate the two
packages entirely.

> I can exclude rpi.py module from main package and create a
> python3-mypackage.rpi.install
> file installing rpi.py in /usr/lib/python3/mypackage but I don't think it is
> the right way of doing that.

Why not?

>  |-- mypackage/
>  |   |-- module1.py
>  |   |-- module2.py
>  |   |-- moduleN.py
>  |   `-- rpi.py

This is not a Python package.

(Hint: no __init__.py…)

>  > include setup.py
>  > include MANIFEST.in
>  > recursive-include mypackage *.py
>  > include bin/mydaemon

Uh? All of this is duplicating setup.py. Just remove it. Instead, please
make sure to include your full licence, readme and changelog in the
source tarball from within MANIFEST.in.


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