Hi Ioannes,

> why would you want to do that?
> i mean: what harm comes from shipping the rpi.py file on non-rpi systems?

Because only the rpi module requires gpiozero module to work properly,
but I cannot put a dependency on gpiozero for the whole package.

> is that file exposed to the user or is it just internally used?

Exposed to the user.

> is the system failing gracefully if it is there but not really usable,
> because you are missing hardware? (if so, there is no need to split).

Yes, it raises ImportError if the user tries to use a class that needs gpiozero.

> is the system failing gracefully if it is missing on systems that would
> normally use it? (if not, then splitting could actually be harmful).

Yes, same as above. But the user can complain that he/she installed a
package that requires gpiozero without having pyhton3-gpiozero in the
required list...


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