Sorry about the slow response.  This has been a pain for a while.  I
have a provisional diff to merge the two packages.  Will give it some
testing and pass a branch to you folks to take a look.  Ideally the
upstream file package would take it over.

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 1:23 AM, Mathias Behrle <> wrote:
> * Christoph Biedl: " Re: Namespace conflict for python-magic" (Tue, 5 Sep 2017
>   18:24:25 +0200):
>> Mathias Behrle wrote...
>> > * Christoph Biedl: " Re: Namespace conflict for python-magic" (Mon, 4 Sep
>> > 2017 19:38:56 +0200):
>> > > The cleanest solution indeed was to bring both upstreams together and
>> > > ask them to reconcile the APIs and eventually make one of the both
>> > > implementations obsolete. As things happen such an attempt was started
>> > > two years ago but appearently never came to a result.[1]
>> >
>> > Agreed, that this would be the cleanest solution, but as you say there is
>> > little probability, that the two upstreams will work together to merge 
>> > their
>> > implementations.
>> Still this should be tried first. Also, I'm not that pessimistic, see
>> below. So let's bring the parties involved into the loop:
> [...]
> Thanks for your additional information and initiative to re-launch the merge 
> of
> the two packages. This reads much better and more optimistic than what I could
> find until now! Crossing fingers now in the hope for the best outcome for
> everybody.
> Cheers,
> Mathias
> --
>     Mathias Behrle
>     PGP/GnuPG key availabable from any keyserver, ID: 0xD6D09BE48405BBF6
>     AC29 7E5C 46B9 D0B6 1C71  7681 D6D0 9BE4 8405 BBF6

Adam Hupp |

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