* Christoph Biedl: " Re: Namespace conflict for python-magic" (Fri, 6 Oct 2017
  08:34:04 +0200):

> Mathias Behrle wrote...
> > That's good news, Adam, thanks for it! Looking forward to get your diff.  
> +1
> In order to control the transition, I've filed in ITP (intent to
> package) for Adam's python-magic as https://bugs.debian.org/877849

Did I misunderstand
| Ideally the upstream file package would take it over.

Perhaps a little bit early, because we didn't see Adams solution, but I would
like to understand the goals. Am I right that the intentions are

- Add a compatibility layer to python-magic[file] to support the feature set of
- Provide in some way on Pypi the same featureset for file-magic and


If this would be the case, in my understanding there wouldn't be any need for an
ITP or transition, but just the possibility for (Debian) packages needing
python-magic[pypi) to use the then compatible python-magic[file].

Best regards,


    Mathias Behrle
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