On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 09:32:19PM +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> > I'd be wary about 2.2 and 2.3.  I have several packages where I know
> > that an automated test will fail; there are all sorts of weird cases
> > [...]
> I'd be wary about adding lintian tags for this, though: with so many
> packages not being able to use the autodep8 system (I vaguely recall
> someone suggesting that a third of Python packages would not be able
> [...]

I realise that I may have come across as quite negative.  Apologies if
that is the case - it was not my intention.  I think the
autopkgtest-pkg-pybuild/pybuild-autodep8 work is very helpful and a
positive addition to our infrastructure, and I'm very grateful to
those who've made it happen.

My only concern is with how it is introduced; because of the wide
variety of Python packages and the hugely varying nature of the
testsuites present in them (or not), I think that trying to force this
into packages is a poor idea.  (I wish that most of my packages could
simply use this pybuild-autodep8 tool.  I fear that this won't be the
case, but I will certainly adopt it for those which can.)

Best wishes,


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