Hello Ivan,

I am not an expert in Python Packaging and also not in Debian-specific Packaging of Python stuff. So please take my advice with care. But I do have some experience and did a lot of experiments.

When it comes to pure Python Packaging I would suggest my demo repository. It is not finished yet but it explains some packaging issues and use cases with examples.


When this repo is "finished" and well reviewed by the Python community I will start a similar repo with demos about Debian Python Packaing. That is the plan.

The background of all that is that I have to migrate a quit old project ("Back In Time") from a make-based build-system to modern state of the art Python build-system.

update is now asking that I use a venv. More details and a link to a

That is a a "new thing" with Debian 12 following PEP 668 (<https://peps.python.org/pep-0668/>).
Currently myself I do struggle with this PEP in my development process.
Im the end I do use "--break-system-packages" or "export PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES=1". It is not a solution but a workaround until I find a better way to integrate PEP 668 into my workflow.

I am not sure about it but to my understanding the recommended way to install packages via "pip" (e.g. from PyPi) is to use "pipx" instead of "pip". "pipx" will handle virtuel environments in the back. But this will cause some other issues I haven't solved yet.


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