As far as how to do this within an existing cmake project, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a clear/easy way.  The only cmake example I can think off of the top of my head is cvc5.  It still uses though, so not a great future-looking example (and I had to patch it to build the Python bindings in Debian):

We've been using cmake + pybuild very successfully for packaging the various Cura components:

Cura is a mix of Python and C++, so a pure Python tools approach wouldn't have worked well. Upstream used cmake exclusively in the past, and that worked very well together with pybuild. Unfortunately, they recently introduced a new build environment based on conan, which is why we haven't managed to package new Cura versions yet.

The best solution right now is probably:
It's specifically designed for combining CMake + Python.
I don't know how well this is supported in Debian so far.

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