Severity: wishlist

I would like to have a patches panel on the distro-tracker that might
look something like the attached mockup for Debian. The possible fields
of the Debian version of the panel are as follows, many of them can't be
implemented right now but are still interesting to mention for future
work once the services backing them exist.

Debian: the count of patches Debian applies to this package, as reported
by the Debian patch tracking service (currently down).

Ubuntu: the version number for the Ubuntu version of the package if an
Ubuntu patch is available for this package, as reported by the Ubuntu
patch tracking service. The version would link to the patch.

Other derivs: the count of patched versions of the package in Debian
derivatives not including Ubuntu, as reported by the Debian derivatives
census patch generation service (currently being setup). The count would
link to the patches directory for the package for now.

Alternatively, the Ubuntu one could be removed and the Other derivs one
renamed to Derivatives.

Other distros: the count of patched versions of the package in other
distributions, as reported by a hypothetical future service that would
link the Debian package to other distros using distromatch (currently
down) and then count the available patches. The count would link to a
page listing links to the various other distro's patch directories.

Upstream proposed: the count of proposed patches of the package in
upstream, as reported by a hypothetical future service that would use
the upstream metadata and bts-link to discover patches in upstream bug

Debian proposed: the count of proposed patches of the package in Debian,
as reported by Debian bugs that are tagged patch.

Ubuntu proposed: the count of proposed patches of the package in Ubuntu,
as reported by the ubuntubugs script from UDD.

Other distros proposed: the count of proposed patches of the package in
other distros, as reported by a hypothetical future service that would
link the Debian package to other distros using distromatch (currently
down) and use bts-link to discover patches in those bug trackers.


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