I don't mind where the Debian patches display happens but as we already
have the patch-tracker.d.o code it should either get deployed or the
relevant parts merged into debsources. The objective should be to show
Debian patches to upstream and other distros.

This bug report isn't the place to co-ordinate that though, please
contact Henri about it and maybe CC debian-qa.

For the "Debian patches" link in the proposed patch panel, tracker.d.o
will only need a list of packages that have patches, nothing more.

For the "Derivatives patches" link, the initial implementation will only
need a list of packages that have patches, which we now have.


Further down the line I'd like to have more useful ways to track patches
from derivatives, mark them as merged, obsolete, derivative-specific,
not useful and so on. This would probably live in the tracker.d.o
interface and maybe be based on the dex stuff from a while ago. The
meta-data for this is also already implemented:


For other patch links I guess it would depend on services existing that
produce the patch metadata we need in an index. We can always harmonise
formats when they actually exist.



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