On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:42:13PM +0100, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> Hi,
> what's the method to check out a ro copy of svn pkg-kde repository
> at svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-kde/
>       o http: and https: always return 405 Method Not Allowed
>         (okay webdav disabled as mention on the home page ;)
>       o svn claims no repository found
>       o svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]  does not accept my alioth account
>       o svn manual does not help any more :(
> What do I wrong?

http is disabled as mentioned on the svn.debian.org main page. If I
remember correctly to check out anonymously you need to do something

svn co svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-kde/trunk

to do a regular checkout you need to do:

svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-kde/trunk

you can't put your username in the URL, you can either setup the special
svn way (I forgot what its called) or you add something like the
following to your .ssh/config file:

Host svn.debian.org
        User ccheney

The other svn way is explained in the svnbook.

> Btw. what's the status/usage of debian/ in KDE's cvs and pkg-kde
> at alioth?
> Chris pkgs:
>       KDE 3.2 for woody in kde cvs
>       KDE 3.2 for sid in pkg-kde

I will probably remove the debian dirs from my packages at kde.org soon
unless there is a pressing reason for it to be there.

> Ben
>       everything in kde-cvs
> Right?

Yes at this time.


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