On Thursday 12 February 2004 04:59, Chris Cheney wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:42:13PM +0100, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > what's the method to check out a ro copy of svn pkg-kde repository
> > at svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-kde/
> >     o http: and https: always return 405 Method Not Allowed
> >       (okay webdav disabled as mention on the home page ;)
> >     o svn claims no repository found
> >     o svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]  does not accept my alioth account
> >     o svn manual does not help any more :(
> > What do I wrong?
> http is disabled as mentioned on the svn.debian.org main page. If I
> remember correctly to check out anonymously you need to do something
> like:
> svn co svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-kde/trunk

Ahhh,  http: URL on svn.debian.org had an additonal /svn in the path
that has to be removed in the svn: URL.  Thx!! 
> to do a regular checkout you need to do:
> svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-kde/trunk
> you can't put your username in the URL, you can either setup the special
> svn way (I forgot what its called) or you add something like the
> following to your .ssh/config file:
> Host svn.debian.org
>       User ccheney
> The other svn way is explained in the svnbook.

Neither the .ssh/config,  user@ nor --username does work
with svn+ssh:  (always the same error msg).  So I assume that
svn+ssh:  mean rw access and that's of course denied (no problem
for me).
> > Btw. what's the status/usage of debian/ in KDE's cvs and pkg-kde
> > at alioth?
> > 
> > Chris pkgs:
> >     KDE 3.2 for woody in kde cvs
> >     KDE 3.2 for sid in pkg-kde
> I will probably remove the debian dirs from my packages at kde.org soon
> unless there is a pressing reason for it to be there.


> > Ben
> >     everything in kde-cvs
> > Right?
> Yes at this time.
> Chris

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