CVS commit by mornfall: 

- update README with some propaganda talk (and possibly some useful info)
- update TODO
- implement Changed filter (to show packages which changed a_wanted in
  this session)
- make PkgCache::updateAWanted do what it should (ie, mark appropriate
  packages as a_wanted); still needs cleanup implementation
- implement PkgCache::applyAWanted
- more debug in PkgManager::_commit
- use CommitStatus class in PkgCache and provide KDE implementation
  in KaptureManager
- make the progress dialog use setModal, instead of exec () and single
  shot timer (oh my, i should read  docs better next time ;p)
- reflect the a_wanted status in ListTreeWidget

  M +50 -6     README   1.8
  M +3 -3      TODO   1.15
  M +14 -0     libcapture/filters.cpp   1.3
  M +14 -0     libcapture/filters.h   1.4
  M +1 -0      libcapture/grouper.cpp   1.5
  M +51 -5     libcapture/pkgcache.cpp   1.12
  M +26 -6     libcapture/pkgmanager.cpp   1.10
  M +4 -3      libcapture/pkgmanager.h   1.9
  M +6 -5      libkapture/acqprogress.cpp   1.7
  M +31 -25    libkapture/kapturemanager.cpp   1.9
  M +17 -3     libkapture/kapturemanager.h   1.5
  M +3 -0      libkapture/listtreeview.cpp   1.3
  M +14 -2     libkapture/listtreewidget.cpp   1.2
  M +1 -1      libkapture/operationmenu.cpp   1.4

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