CVS commit by mornfall: 

- TODO: update + some reprioritization
- debian/changelog: new build for kalyxo archive
- debian/compat: add to the repo (hmm... should i?)
- implement (well, fix, it was mostly done already) debtags update
  in terms of libapt-pkg fetcher interface; works now, uses the standard
  AcqProgress from libkapture without too many problems (apart from
  that AcqProgress is a bit broken right now ;p)
- fix crash in AcqProgress

  A            debian/compat   1.1
  M +32 -16    TODO   1.18
  M +6 -0      debian/changelog   1.3
  M +4 -1      libcapture/pkgmanager.cpp   1.13
  M +7 -5      libcapture/pkgtags.cpp   1.3
  M +1 -0      libcapture/pkgtags.h   1.3
  M +2 -1      libkapture/acqprogress.cpp   1.9

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