On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 03:55:54PM +0200, Dominique Devriese wrote:
> Well, the problem is that what's currently there happens to work in
> some cases, but doesn't work in other cases, like the one that the bug
> report was about.  
> I'll try to explain it again: It's all about the string comparison: If
> somestring is a variable of type "char*", then 'somestring ==
> "something"' in C++ and C is not a string comparison, but a pointer
> comparison.  It checks that the variable somestring points to the same
> region of memory that "something" is put in.  Now, the C++ standard
> leaves some behaviour wrt. string storage undefined, but what g++
> does, is that if it finds two string literals containing the same
> thing, it stores them only once, if the two strings are in the same
> compile unit or link unit or whatever unit it takes for this.  Anyway,
> what happens in your case ( where it works properly ) is that, the
> first time that the function is called with "something" as an
> argument, it is by chance one of the identical strings in the same
> compile unit, and the check happens to succeed.  The function then
> caches the result it just calculated, and all further invocations of
> the function give the correct result.  However, if the first
> invocation of the function happens to be a string from another compile
> unit, then the pointer comparison fails, the function calculates the
> wrong result, and this result is cached for all further invocations.
> I debugged the bug that was described in this bug report, and this is
> in fact the case.
> Anyway, I'll be committing the patch now, if you don't mind, with the
> above explanation in the commit log...

I understand now. :)



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