On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 04:19:00PM -0700, Itai Seggev wrote:
> The problem bug is a real bug and not a result of upgrading. I a fresh
> install with the new sarge installer beta 4, and the problem
> persisted. I also have discovered why this problem manifested in
> 3.1.4-3. The binary packages search /etc/qt3/ and /usr/share/config
> for config files. Up to (and including) 3.1.4-2, /usr/share/config was
> a symlink to /etc/kde3; hence, it could find the config files. In
> 3.1.4-3, this symlink was removed. This also explains why installing
> from debian source over the binary package also fixed the problem
> permanently: the source install installed the config files into
> /usr/share/config, so any later binary package could find the config
> files. Thus, there are 3 solutions to this (and presumably other,
> related) bugs:
> 1) Recompile the packages to add /etc/kde3 to the config file search
>    path.

Its already in the config file search path. I modified the source
directly to look in both /etc/kde3 and /usr/local/share/config. I
suppose there could be some sort of bug in the code of the thing that is
using libkdecore.

kde-config --path config

> 2) Turn /usr/share/config back into a symlink to /etc/kde3

This should not be needed for the above reason...

> 3) move all the files in /etc/kde3 to /etc/qt3 or /usr/share/config

This should not be needed either... and is in fact a violation of Debian
policy so can't be done.

> I don't know how these options interact with the debian
> policy. Presumably you guys do. :) Let me know what you decide. 
I will try adding the symlink to see if it helps me see the themes. If
so then I guess there is a bug somewhere in that something isn't using
the paths that kde-config knows about.


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