Mark Purcell wrote:

> On Friday 09 April 2010 08:30:14 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>> hm? eh? what? why would we remove a perfectly valid translation to a
>> language spoken by 11 million people?
> Albert,
> I don't think the issue is the removal of the translations, rather the
> fact that the locale-code hne isn't defined in ISO 639-1 & ISO 639-2.
> My reading of Chhattisgarhi_language[1] shows that the ISO 639-3 code is
> "hne", whilst the ISO 639-2 code for this family is "inc".
> I am raising this as an inconsistency. If we are accepting ISO 639-3
> locales then that is fine too and we will fix lintian.

Right, but the first faulty package is isoquery. The isoquery program is not 
able to display the ISO 639-3 codes:
> TODO for Isoquery
> =================
> - allow use of ISO 639-3

The reason I assume is that there's no (given the nature of the ISO 639-3 
standard) translation table between ISO 639-3 and ISO 639-2 codes.

So I guess the most we can do is just inject the 639-3 codes and hope for 
the best (i.e. hope people is going to use the best and most appropriate ISO 
639-1..3 code.)

Sorry for not noticing ISO 639-3 codes were being used back when I 
implemented the checks. I verified some of the cases that would trigger the 
warning but they were all true positives.

And like Russ said, switching to the "inc" code would be incorrect.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer -

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