tag 792594 wontfix
retitle 792594 libqt5qml5 requires SSE2 on i386

I have checked debian/rules and confirmed what I though: we are currently 
building qt5 without sse2 on i386. After that we rebuild some of the core libs 
with SSE2 enabled, and install them in a different path.

Then at link time the linker decides which lib is going to be used: on non-
SSE2 capable machines it will link against the non-sse2 libs, and vice versa.

But QML *requires* SSE2, so.. this won't be fixed :(

Thanks for your bug report non the less.


Cuando tenga duda, utilice la solución mas simple.
  Principio de William Occam, también llamado
  "la navaja de Occam"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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