On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:14:03PM +0200, Samuel Mimram wrote:
> Steve Langasek wrote:
> >Nevertheless, since when all is said and done the only thing that kept
> >libosip2 2.2.0 out of sarge was a spurious upload to change the maintainer
> >field, and siproxd missed the freeze by one day, I'm (provisionally)
> >approving both to get back into sarge.

> >As for linphone, that package has been uploaded far too recently to get the
> >same exception.

> Well, the 1.0.1-1 package was uploaded the 2005-03-25 and since then 
> I've only made minor corrections of the package or patchs to handle 
> small bugs which are very unlikely to have broken the package. The main 
> reason why linphone is not in sarge now is beacause it has been held by 
> the RC bug on libosip2.

> I'm insisting only because some users have asked me for linphone to be 
> into sarge.

Yes, and I would be a potential of linphone packages in sarge; but getting
new packages into testing is a very low priority right now compared to
everything else that *needs* to be done for the release, and I don't
expect that the release team will have time to give packages such as this
proper consideration before release.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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