[martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 22:07PM Friday May 20]:

> Fluxbox just got an RC bug which caused me to elevate the
> severity of another to merge the two: #308052, #309958

Sorry guys to cause this concern, but I don't feel that the bug Bas
has reported justifies a sarge-rc bug. The version that he reported it
against, 0.9.12-1, is not a candate for the sarge release. 0.9.11-1 is
a candidate, however it does not have this problem.

> The bug only exists in the 0.9.11-1 package, and has been fixed by
> the 0.9.12-1 package, which has been sitting in unstable for 23
> days, so it theoretically should have made it in to sarge before the
> freeze.

I believe it is the other way around - the bug only exists in the
0.9.12-1 package, and the 0.9.11-1 package is 'okay'.

> Would you please accept fluxbox 0.9.12-1? Otherwise, please let us
> know so that we can provide a backport as 0.9.11-2 via t-p-u. Given
> that 0.9.12 fixes some silly bugs in 0.9.11, the former would be
> preferable.

Well, if I could use this an excuse to get 0.9.13 into sarge, I'd be a
happy boy - however, I realise this isn't going to happen. As I don't
believe the problem is sarge-rc, I don't think there is a need for
t-p-u uploads.

Please, feel free to correct me here if I'm wrong. I'd hate to make a
mistake here and cause our users to have more difficulties.


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