Hi people,

I suggest that we take a more agressive strategy for the release
process. What I suggest :
- give a freeze date
- all non-standard packages (of priority optionnal and extra) that do
  have RCB at this date will be removed from frozen, and all the
  packages who does depend on them too ... boot-floppies and debian-cd
  must be considered standard (even if their package's priorities are
- once a package has been removed it can be added again within the
  first (maybe two ?) week of the freeze (if the RCB have been 
  corrected of course!). Note that the package will never completely
  disappear from Debian, since it will be available in unstable...
- after this "recovery" delay, it's a "big" freeze in the traditionnal 

The standard packages with RCB must be corrected anyway and I suppose
that the QA team would help us to correct those packages rapidly.

In order to achieve this, the RCB list should be splitted between
standard packages and the optionnal/extra packages. Can you do this
wichert ?

Of course, this scheme will require more investment from the ftpmaster
during the first week of the freeze and from the person maintaining the
RCB list since many packages will be removed. But I think it's worth it if
we want to put out potato one day.

The big advantages is that if somebody wants a specific package in potato,
he will actively work on his package (he has no other choices). 
Also if a library like libgtk1.2 does have a RCB, many people will be
concerned and the bug will be corrected rapidly (of course we must
consider not removing the package if the RCB has been filled 2 hours
before the freeeze leaving no chances to the maintainter to correct it).

What do people think about this ?

Raphaƫl Hertzog -=- http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CDs Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd </pub>

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