On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 12:53:14AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> >> db3
> >> #223142, #234507
> >> db4.0
> >> #223140
> >> I know we can't remove them. One of the base problems

> > It would be nice to see fewer copies of libdb in sarge, in all honesty.
> > Christian Perrier reported on debian-boot that there are no less than
> > six versions currently pulled in by packages at priority: standard and
> > above, which is rather absurd, particularly when two of them have
> > longstanding RC bugs.

> OK, just as a data point, here are the things on my system built against
> various versions of libdb other than libdb4.2.
> --> libdb1-compat
> libc6

> Is there ever going to be any way to get rid of this waste of space?
> :-(  Perhaps it might be possible to demote the "Depends" to a "Recommends"
> eventually?

AIUI, this is a transitional dependency that should go away post-sarge.

> --> libdb2:
> apt-utils (recommended by debconf)

> Hopefully this should be easy to switch to either libdb3 or libdb4.2. The
> libdb use doesn't seem to be very critical to the package. It's only used
> by apt-ftparchive, and then only with a specific command-line option, and
> only for caching, and the db isn't exposed to the outside.

> The source package here is 'apt'.

Bug 215239 is already open requesting a switch to a more recent libdb.

> --> libdb4.0
> perl

> Surely this can be upgraded to use libdb4.2 ?!?

One would hope, but I've overestimated the sanity of the various libdb
packages before.  Care to file a wishlist bug requesting the change?

> --> libdb4.1
> postfix
> (vacation also depends on this, but I don't have it installed)
> Again, surely these can be switched to libdb4.2 ?!?

> Conclusion: We should be able to eliminate dependencies on everything but
> libdb1-compat, libdb3, and libdb4.2 without too much work.

At this late stage, I'm afraid it's more important to preserve the
stability of the base system than to eliminate library dependencies.
With that caveat in mind, though, I'd be pleased if someone would be
willing to file wishlist bugs on the remaining base packages depending
on libdb2, libdb4.0, and libdb4.1.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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