On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 09:39:10AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:

> The debian-edu sourcepackage generates 23 metapackages which only
> consist of dependencies. The dependencies are generated semi
> automatically by the script gen-control. - It basically takes a task
> file that lists packages that should be depended on, checks which ones
> are actually available in $dist and generates a control file that lists
> the availble packages as "Depends" and the unavailable ones as
> "Suggests".  Currently "testing" is used as $dist.

> Currently education-standalone-extras blocks kdemultimedia.
> education-standalone-extras depends on kmix because the old version of
> kdemultimedia provides kmix. See #246463 for details.

> To resolve this I suggest to remove debian-edu from testing
> remove debian-edu/0.768
> and let it (automatically) return when its dependencies have been
> updated.

This hint has been added and will be processed with tomorrow's run.

> Due to the design of this package this procedure (or a hint) will
> have to be repated each time a depended-on package is not provided in
> updated versions in sid.

This seems rather suboptimal, not least of all because it's an
unnecessary hassle for the maintainer to keep track of the package's
status.  I'd think it at least ought to have its dependencies built
against unstable, so that it isn't constantly uninstallable in sid
(aside from the issue of blocking other packages).

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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