
some more removal suggestions. I now put my minimum time frame to 21
days. As usual, I consider my suggestions to be a bit agressive.

# suggestions from 2004-06-09

# build-dependency disappeared; report from 2004-05-02; no maintainer reaction
# no dependencies
# 246963
remove dchub/0.4.5-2

# security issue; report from 2004-04-27; no maintainer reaction
# no dependencies
# 246093
remove gnome-cups-manager/0.17-3

# build-dependency disappeared; serious since 2004-03-29
# no maintainer reaction; no dependencies
# 229953
remove hitop/0.36-3

# segfaults; report from 2004-03-30
# no maintainer reaction
# depends: axkit-language-htmldoc
# build-depends: freeswan, openswan, privoxy
# 241101
remove htmldoc/1.8.23-1.1
# axkit-language-htmldoc is ITAed since 2003-09-10.
remove axkit/1.6.2-3

# build-depends on gcc-3.2/g++-3.2
# FTBFS: Patches fail to apply
# 243048, 246797
# no maintainer reaction
# depends: xen-domain0-utils
remove xen/1.2-4

# zinf: Zinf crashes with segmentation fault when searching for MyMusic for the
# first time; sonce 2004-04-08
# no maintainer reaction; no dependencies
remove zinf/2.2.5-3

I hope my removal suggestions are helpful. If there are any issues
with it, please don't hesitate to tell me.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

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