On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 11:34:26AM +0100, Gürkan Sengün wrote:

> Steve Langasek suggested me I re-upload my gnustep packages without the binary
> package rename. I know they happened late, but I think it's good they happened
> now. The latest GNUstep tarball release got an update that is binary 
> incompatible to
> the old ones. So all needed a rebuild, great time for a name change.

> So quite a few of mine are stuck in:
> http://developer.skolelinux.no/~pere/debian-NEW.html
> I could live with the new ones not enter sarge, but having those long in sid 
> not go into
> sarge makes me quite sad. No way something can be done on this without
> removing the .app from the binary package name?

It's not realistic to expect the ftpmasters to prioritize package name
changes above other tasks that are critical for the release.  The
packages in question have already been accepted into the archive under
their current names; if you really believe that having the wrong package
names makes these packages unreleasable, then you will have to get an
ftpmaster to make these changes, but otherwise you should continue to
get the packages ready for release under their current names.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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