
 It seems a bug in util-linux (or as it handle the case) causes all
virtual terminals (for some people even tty1) to hang for a while, if
not forever on logout. Please see the lot of user reported cases:
#224028, #224067, #226443, #229788 and #257487. It was hit Sid only, but
as util-linux recently hit Sarge it is really annoying, can block users
out of the system, happens with 2.4 and 2.6 kernels as well.
 Please raise the severity of this bug to RC and fix it somehow. The
proposed changes have not helped me: deleting /var/run/utmp is not an
option, editing /etc/inittab does not help, as I am not running devfsd
and thus ttyX are real devices for me, not links etc.


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