On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:53:32AM +0100, Domenico Andreoli wrote:

> as soon as i upload the new curl package without libcurl2* all these
> will immediately be RC bugs.

> i would take care of correct bug reporting and delayed NMUs in case
> maintainer did not upload fixed packages within a week or so.

> please consider that curl & libcurl3 have been in testing for some time
> and do not look having any severe bug.

> given these considerations i do not consider this transition particularly
> risky or critical for the release schedule.

> please let me know your thoughts about it, i'm waiting your clearance
> to proceed.

While reducing the number of libraries we have to ship with sarge is a good
thing, the "RC" bugs you describe above would only apply to unstable, not to
testing, because the old packages would not be removed from testing until
all packages depending on them were fixed.  NMUs are still fine for such
issues, but they would not be regarded as release-critical for sarge in the
absence of other compelling factors.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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