El sábado, 7 de enero de 2006 23:53, Kevin B. McCarty escribió:
> Looks like xlibs-dev is now officially gone, which instantly creates a
> hell of a lot of RC (FTBFS) bugs that will manifest the next time
> rebuilds are attempted of xlibs-dev Build-Depending packages.  (Maybe
> someone on the X team should mention this on debian-devel-announce?)
> I've been trying to keep on top of them at the wiki page:
> http://wiki.debian.org/DependsXlibsDev
> I reviewed the list there that was created last month, down through
> packages starting with "R", upgrading existing bugs to "serious" as I
> went, but I've ran out of stamina.  If you are NMUing, mass-bug-filing,
> or doing other things related to dealing with this issue, could you
> please try to keep the wiki page up-to-date?

        All right, Kevin, but Adeodato Simó has just filed about 360 bugs 
because of 
this issue, so it will be much easier to track. :-)

        Best regards,

I once farted on the set of Blue Lagoon.
                -- Brooke Shields (South Park).
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