Am 30.12.2016 um 07:28 schrieb Marc Dequènes (duck):

I think the release team should have been involved much much earlier.


the release team has been involved, see Emilio's mail from April 2015:


About a year later, Emilio states that the release team discussed this problem and "wouldn't like to release Stretch with guile-1.8 just for lilypond's sake":


However, he also wrote in that message that "We can discuss this again later in the cycle if necessary, though hopefully lilypond can get in shape and we won't need to do that :)"

It seems having Lilypond working with recent Guile before the release is
not going to happen. Even if it built properly there would maybe have
runtime bugs to solve.


If people are willing to maintain Guile 1.8 into stable during another
release lifetime, I guess the release team would be ok with it. Maybe it
would be possible to provide a backport of Guile 2.x and newer Lilypond
later (when it works) and drop Guile 1.8 and current Lilypond from
stable in a subsequent point release. This could be announced in the
release notes from the start, so no surprise.

Anyway, I'm Cc-ing the release team so they don't discover the problem
much later.

Thanks for bringing the release team into the loop again, maybe they can state their position on this bug.


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