On 01/07/2017 09:19 AM, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-01-06 at 23:23 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
>> Control: tags -1 + pending
>> On Thu, 2017-01-05 at 21:27 +0100, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 01/05/2017 09:04 PM, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 2016-12-06 at 22:00 +0100, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for the outdated debdiff, for p-u the distribution has been
>>>>> changed to stable.
>>>> Please go ahead.
>>> Thanks!
>> Flagged for acceptance.
> The upload subsequently FTBFS on all architectures on the buildds.
> The relevant portion of the logs appears to be:
> [...]
> I'm not entirely sure how you managed to build the amd64 packages
> without this issue occurring, but please look into this ASAP. As things
> stand, we won't be including mapserver in 8.7.

I simply built the package in an up-to-date jessie cowbuilder chroot.

The buildds used a newer PHP from p-u, my build was with
5.6.24+dfsg-0+deb8u1 in jessie.

I can reproduce the build failure with an i386 chroot on barriere, which
also uses php 5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1 from jessie-security.

Disabling the PHP support in mapserver may be an option, it has been
disabled in testing/unstable too because it lacks support for PHP 7. It
will force users to migrate to other mapscript implementations sooner
than their upgrade to stretch.

Another option it cherry-pick this change from upstream for this issue:


If that change to mapscript/php/error.c is acceptable for jessie, I'll
include it in the package and prepare mapserver/6.4.1-5+deb8u2.

Kind Regards,


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