On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 20:59:53 +0200, Kurt Roeckx wrote:

> OpenSSL will soon release a new upstream version with a new
> soname.  This new version will break various packages, see:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2016/06/msg00205.html
> I'm currently not sure when the release will be ready.  I would
> like to start this transition as soon as possible, but probably
> after it's actually released.  I don't expect this to take long.
At this point, it seems clear to me that we're getting nowhere fast.
With the freeze looming in a few days, this is growing to be a very big
risk for the stretch release.

I believe we should cut our losses, go back to shipping libssl-dev as
1.0.2 for stretch, and rebuild the world.  I think this is 1) less work
than actually getting ourselves out of the current mess, and 2) likely
to get us to a better state for stretch users, who won't have to deal
with half the archive's -dev package indirectly conflicting with the
other half.

I'm willing to prepare a new openssl1.0 package to take over libssl-dev
and openssl binaries.


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