Niels Thykier:
> Niels Thykier:
>> Hi,
>> I have a quick review of the RC bugs in *key* packages that are unfixed
>> in unstable according to UDD.  The following is a list of 32 of these
>> (out of about 180) with proposed verdicts/tagging to start a debate
>> about them.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> The outcome is below:
>> [...]
>> The list:
>>> Bug         Source                  Verdict         Title
>>> [...]
>>> [Tagged]    814978  gcc-5                   will-remove     gcc-5: gnat 
>>> paths are wrong due to ada-gcc-name.diff

Undo on this - hadn't noticed it was reassigned to gcc-*6*.

>>> [...]
> [...]
> RC bug count:
>     32 intial
>    - 6 being fixed
>    - 3 downgrades
>    -11 from removals
>    - 5 tagged ignore
>  -----------------
>     12 remaining
> These are split into
>      6 tagged can-defer (ignored)
>      3 tagged will-remove
>      2 tagged is-blocker
>      1 reassigned and not tagged
> Thanks for the assistance,
> ~Niels

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