On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 08:20:34PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> Only #311188 (debian-edu-config) remained. After some discussion with
> the Debian Edu Team I started filing wishlist bugs to the packages where
> debian-edu-config would gain by having a way to change the conffiles of
> these package automatically. These bugs will all eventually get patches
> or be reassigned to debian-edu-config if only the latter has to change
> the way of handling these conffiles. #311188 is meant to be solved or at
> least downgraded for etch's release.

Yes, I noticed that as soon as I responded to the bug you filed against
openldap2.3, you reassigned it away without further discussion. ;)  I guess
this means you think debian-edu-config didn't have a use case for needing to
modify the conffile in question, so this should just be fixed on the
debian-edu side?  And the debian-edu team agrees?

> I have NMUed some packages in the meantime, most of them are already
> acknowledged by the maintainers: hibernate, zope-docfindertab,
> zope-extfile, zope-zms, zope-zwiki, zope-textindexng2.

Great, thanks!

> > http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?pkg=subversion&arch=alpha&ver=1.3.1-3&stamp=1146945776&file=log
> Very strange error in the testsuite, though the maintainer had
> experienced a similar error some months before on another architecture.
> That was solved by rebuilding ruby with the same gcc version as the
> version used to build subversion... Anyway the package has no problem
> building on alpha anymore :-)

AIUI, the problem was internal to ruby, which was being built without
-fno-strict-aliasing -- causing problems with some of the casts in the ruby
source that showed up in the subversion test suite.

Did you help the maintainers with the fixes for this bug?  I know Peter
Samuelson did a lot of work to get this package fixed, including filing bug
#370553 on ruby1.8, and I don't see comments from you in that log (perhaps
none were needed).  If it's the case that this bug was fixed before you had
a chance to help, please work on this build failure instead:


> > Your last task for the next two weeks is now to find at least one set of
> > packages, e.g. on http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/, and send us an working
> > hint. Please don't be disappointed if your hint doesn't work on first try -
> > it's not that easy, but as you're now a bit more experienced, you should
> > forward to that level.

> The 11th of June I mentioned on IRC that cacao, classpath and jamvm had
> to go into testing together, though I didn't add the versions. The same
> day I proposed to NMU glcpu and twinkle for the libcommoncpp2
> transition. The 2nd of June I proposed the following easy working hint:
> easy libdvdread/0.9.6-1 libdvdplay/1.0.1-7. I filed the following RC
> bugs about packages being uninstallable when inspecting testing
> transition (and looking for hints): #372759, #372764 and #372766.

Yes, thank you very much.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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